Trailer Project

During Lock down I got this vision to change a furniture removal trailer that was standing by my dad into a stage for evangelism and a drive in church. When I phoned my dad to share this he had the same idea. So it was a confirmation to me. I made the calculations and it came to about R50 000 and the period to finish this I estimated that it would take about 6 months.

Then I prayed for this and started to share this vision with everyone. Then my dad in faith just started to strip and cut the side away of the trailer. Suddenly I found myself kind of standing back and saw how God brought everything together. In 90 days the trailer was build.

Everything that was needed like the material for the boards and platform sides, steel, glue, electric supplies was donated. The rest that we needed we already had. Instead of R50 000 we might have spent R20 000 for the odds and ends not always counted.

Confirming that this is the will and plan of God. And suddenly we find ourselves standing in a new season of ministry

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